The Rosetta Studio Script Builder is used to create a script, similar to a charting plan, that takes pieces of PowerPoint® or Excel® reports (called mini-shells) and brings them together to produce a finished report.
Variables are additions to tags that allow values to be ‘swapped out’ or exchanged for user defined values. This allows tagged mini-shell to be refreshed with new data each time the slides are run.
The Script Builder executes saved scripts in Rosetta Studio to produce a final report. The Script Manager is a represented as a tab in the Build Window of Rosetta Studio that runs a script off the data loaded in Rosetta Studio.
The Script Builder is an Excel® Add-in which creates a script that is similar to a charting plan. The idea behind the Script Builder is that most reports can be broken down into a series of slides or groups of slides that are re-used based on different cuts of data. Scripts (or reports) are built from a collection of PowerPoint® (.pptx/.pptm) or Excel® (.xlsx/.xlsm) files which are saved as templates called ‘mini-shells’.
These mini-shells can consist of a single slide, a group of slides or an entire report. Slides are tagged based on Rosetta Studio’s Populate tagging system.
The Rosetta Studio scripting system can be used automate the production of ad hoc projects, tracking studies, reports on multiple cuts of data, dashboards and much more.
Variables are used to modify PowerPoint® or Excel® files in order to make them usable in more situations. Variables allow the slide to be reused again and again but pull in unique data each time the slides are run. This is done by the user entering a variable value in the Script Builder.
Scripts are made up of selected mini-shells which can be repeated with different data being shown based on user defined information. Values or text are entered in response to a series of questions or statements about the slide that is being created.
Once the information has been filled in Rosetta Studio executes the script, building the report according to the entered details. Scripts can easily be saved and modified to re-use for other projects.
The sky’s the limit and best of all you’re reusing your work!
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